Sunday, January 28, 2007

Diva's Galore

LOL geta Queen started on Diva's and you'll get alot... so ill go thru and find a video from each of my diva's to share with you... and for each Diva... the video content will be of a sexual nature... be sure to bring a paper towel to wipe the steam that will be cumming up from your computer...

O L I V I A in the steamy ode to eating out...

was going to just show Madonna's Erotica, but found a remixxx version that was far more fun

i chose this one because its about Masterbation... go Cyndi

i couldnt really think of an overtly sexual Cher song... but i found a remix of Believe... what could be better than that?
well thats all for the moment...

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