and now a search into the youtube vaults to find something different, something sexy, and something ive never seen before? who could be the diva's for today... follow thru and see who gets nods today... happy viewing....
a remix version of physical... and then men are still hot
a remixed I Need Love... one of my favourite songs
i think this should be the theme song to my blog... id never seen a video for it... happy hump day to you all... i know it was a good one for me...
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
its time for a little dose of DRAMA
and not the real life kind either... give me a moment as i dig into the youtube vault and search for a couple of treasures to excite your evening... and take you back to yesteryear when he did that to her before she told him that she slept with his boyfriend before she found out that it was really his mothers husband that she had done, but she was totally oblivious because she was whacked out on pain pills and flushing it down with bourbon...? sound cornfusing? maybe... and has that storyline ever happened on a soap, probably... but as long as the chemistry is correct things can sizzle, and when they are bad, they will fizzle and soon the actor is replaced or let go... enjoy the evil deliciousness of it all darlings...
Madame C
don't let the devil get ahold of you or you might look a mess...
more possession for your viewing pleasure
and just a bit more... included in this one is Stephano and Celeste...
hope you enjoyed... tune in tomorrow for some more Drama flashbacks in Thru the Purple Haze
Madame C
don't let the devil get ahold of you or you might look a mess...
more possession for your viewing pleasure
and just a bit more... included in this one is Stephano and Celeste...
hope you enjoyed... tune in tomorrow for some more Drama flashbacks in Thru the Purple Haze
need a Wonder fix...
ok ok... so im not doing well on the Wonder Woman front... yes i will survive, but without going into badmouthing Mr. Allen Heinberg again... im just gonna say... Feb. 21st cant come fast enough... definately going thru my Wonder Woman withdrawls... so here are a few items of amazing Wonder... enjoy
Bullets & Bracelets... The Tournament to find the Amazon that is strong and wise enough to take Steve Trevor back to the world of men, after he crashed on the shores of Paradise Island, nursed back to health by the beautiful Princess Diana, the woman the world would one day know as WONDER WOMAN... as portrayed in the 70's tv show by beautiful Lynda Carter
ok, maybe this Wonder Woman is not as beautiful as Aphrodite... but not everyone can be as pretty as us huh Diana... LOL jk... i loved this... it was cute
in Wonder Woman's first season it was set in 1941, this was when she first got her costume...
scene where Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman is given the Wonder Woman costume after winning the tournament, this is set in the 1970, notice the difference in the breast plate... hope you enjoyed the WW feature... i needed that!!!
remember... we are all in this together... love one another
Bullets & Bracelets... The Tournament to find the Amazon that is strong and wise enough to take Steve Trevor back to the world of men, after he crashed on the shores of Paradise Island, nursed back to health by the beautiful Princess Diana, the woman the world would one day know as WONDER WOMAN... as portrayed in the 70's tv show by beautiful Lynda Carter
ok, maybe this Wonder Woman is not as beautiful as Aphrodite... but not everyone can be as pretty as us huh Diana... LOL jk... i loved this... it was cute
in Wonder Woman's first season it was set in 1941, this was when she first got her costume...
scene where Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman is given the Wonder Woman costume after winning the tournament, this is set in the 1970, notice the difference in the breast plate... hope you enjoyed the WW feature... i needed that!!!
remember... we are all in this together... love one another
Fashion Focus: big feet vs cute shoes
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click here to view the post.
splendor after being poked
well tonite... i had a deep filling and it was sooo good... so to commemorate, im going to find some sexy mens filling other mens... if your not into the top and bottom thing... or you're just not into butt sex... these videos may not be for you... but if you like being plowed, or like to be the one doin the plowin these videos are for you... deeper deeper
hot bodies in motion
ever had a fantasy about doing a firefighter? they can cum and wash me down with their hoses anytime...
hope you all get your fill... and if you dont... go grab a dildo and let yourself have it sweetie darling... you'll feel like a new person... i do...
bringing you only the hottest mens from my browsing on xtube... all my love C
hot bodies in motion
ever had a fantasy about doing a firefighter? they can cum and wash me down with their hoses anytime...
hope you all get your fill... and if you dont... go grab a dildo and let yourself have it sweetie darling... you'll feel like a new person... i do...
bringing you only the hottest mens from my browsing on xtube... all my love C
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Diva's Delights
ok... i know everything was shorter today... but i got caught up for two wonderful hours watching my new DVD... Madonna's confessions tour released on dvd and cd... it is awesome... the show is so visually loud and pleasing... i love all the colors used, the remixes of old songs making them new... and the overall feel... and also loved the part where she was singing I Love NY... and she said... just go to texas and suck george bush's dick!!! you go Madonna... ITMFA go out and buy the confessions tour... it was the best Madonna tour yet...
love constance... picking out one from madonnas vast colletion... see ya tomorrow
love constance... picking out one from madonnas vast colletion... see ya tomorrow
my friend sent this to me... isnt he a great performer?
my friend sent this to me... i was ROFLMAO and just thought i should share... isnt he a great performer... he's got stage quality i tell you... you go boy!!!
he was great... give him a big hand...
he was great... give him a big hand...
Come on Eileen, part of your Daily Drama's
Well Eileen Davidson was let go from young and restless... was searching thru youtube and found a montage set to the song Come On Eileen, that was made to try to lure Eileen to come back to Days Of Our Lives... so this Daily Drama clip will give you a bit to laugh about and put a smile in your day... isnt that what its all about?
and since that wasnt really a drama let me trudge thru the youtube vaults again and find one more treasure to share before the clock strikes midnite... all of this for you... mwah
a little Days 2000 storyline recap... complete with Princess Gina!!! Wonder what i could find if i put that in the search menu what would come up...?brb
a princess gina promo... as well as two princess gina scenes... where has youtube been all my life?
and this
hope you enjoyed todays segment of Daily Dramas
and since that wasnt really a drama let me trudge thru the youtube vaults again and find one more treasure to share before the clock strikes midnite... all of this for you... mwah
a little Days 2000 storyline recap... complete with Princess Gina!!! Wonder what i could find if i put that in the search menu what would come up...?brb
a princess gina promo... as well as two princess gina scenes... where has youtube been all my life?
and this
hope you enjoyed todays segment of Daily Dramas
before a new day begins...
just wanted to keep the rush cummin here in my little world online... the Joan Crawford VS Abba seemed to be well recieved... i plan on searching youtube more in the future for any funny little finds... will continue posting the hot men, sometimes in pictures, sometimes videos... and sometimes both... you never know... tune in tomorrow as they say to see what is cummin up next... and you know that it always rises and falls at one time or another... but not until its finished definately and then sometimes even thats not enough to get it down so then its time to do it all again going for that second round... after that let me bask in the glory of the session that was just accomplished and let feel safe in your arms for a moment and then we can do it all again... dont know if ive mentioned it before... i have a very high libido... wink wink... and now... here are the hotties releasing their gratitude... wish i could say that it was for me...
well after remarking about my high libido first find... another person with a high libido as he knocks off two in a row... hows that for stamina...? lets race sexy...
mmmmmm i wanna back upon him and slide down that hard shaft
and then work my way across the bed to this hot stud... wouldnt a three way be hot between these two beautiful tools standing hard waiting for you to service them... so swollen... dripping with anticipation.... finally i decide to take one in my mouth and one in a lower orafice... and its on!!!
mucho grande verdga
well after remarking about my high libido first find... another person with a high libido as he knocks off two in a row... hows that for stamina...? lets race sexy...
mmmmmm i wanna back upon him and slide down that hard shaft
and then work my way across the bed to this hot stud... wouldnt a three way be hot between these two beautiful tools standing hard waiting for you to service them... so swollen... dripping with anticipation.... finally i decide to take one in my mouth and one in a lower orafice... and its on!!!
mucho grande verdga
Monday, January 29, 2007
DIVAs of the Day...
well found some nice little remixed treasures yesterday looking for favorites from my Diva's you know us Queen's gotta have us some Diva's... they make the world go round... and they know what we are feelin because they sing it... they took the words right out of my mouth right? yeah... i thought so... you love Diva's too... who is your diva? let me know? searching for the diva video now... wish me luck in the youtube vaults... mwah
don't know who sings that... but i liked it and i liked the video...
abba vs. Joan Crawford... put away those wire hangers gurls...
don't know who sings that... but i liked it and i liked the video...
abba vs. Joan Crawford... put away those wire hangers gurls...
A World of Wonder

if you havent figured out by now... i am a comics Junkie, to be more exact... I love Wonder Woman every since i was five... she was the first comic i ever bought... and she has been my hero number one... there was no pretending to be Superman.. i never let it stop me that i was a little boy and wanted to be Wonder Woman... LOL... i think the root of the problem was my mother... i was imitating Wonder Woman because i thought Lynda Carter was the most beautiful woman on the earth and to see her in her satin tights and at the ripe young age of five i was Smitten and definately in Love... but when my mom seen this... she thought WW was not a good role model and wouldnt let me watch her... so after that... I WANTED TO BE WONDER WOMAN!!! FU MOM... good thing to mess up an innocent childs head with your illusions of whats right and wrong for a child... And now... i can't get enough WW... check out WW above with the other heros... whats going on, and HoLY Jeepers Batman, why's Donna have on her old Wonder Girl suit? is this beginning of DC Comics WWIII? check it out... and if you happen to see Allen Heinberg... tell him to hurry the shit up already... im jonsing for a new issue of WW here... its been pushed back how many times now Mr. Heinberg? Like the new Wonder Woman action figure, designed by Infinite Crisis artist... Phil Jimenez... also coming out in the set will be a Donna Troy as Wonder Girl and Donna Troy as Troia! heard a new WONDEROUS line would be coming out from DC Direct... but do not know the specifics... ill keep an ear out if you buy me some earrings... wink wink
remember back when? Another World Flashback
did you know that a young Lindsey Lohan got her start on ANOTHER WORLD? if you've been reading this blog you might know... or if your a Lindsey Lohan fan you might know... or if you're an Another World fan you might have remembered her pretty little face... enjoy
Wow... was just searching thru YouTube and found a Victoria Wyndham surprize...Victoria was Rachel Cory on AW
Tom Eplin's first day as Jake McKinnon... he is such a very handsome man... Jake you make me week at the knees...
hope you enjoyed this segment of Soapy Flashbacks... tune in tomorrow for the continuing blog... hope you enjoy the feature... if you do give me a shout
your misstress connie
Wow... was just searching thru YouTube and found a Victoria Wyndham surprize...Victoria was Rachel Cory on AW
Tom Eplin's first day as Jake McKinnon... he is such a very handsome man... Jake you make me week at the knees...
hope you enjoyed this segment of Soapy Flashbacks... tune in tomorrow for the continuing blog... hope you enjoy the feature... if you do give me a shout
your misstress connie
Want to Sparkle?
ever been looking for that perfect sequin gown and just can't find what you want? Or really can't just think of what to buy me that will make my eyes sparkle?.. why you can buy me a sequin gown of course!!! or buy one for yourself if you must... but the best website i have found to browse for gowns is (and remember this blonde don't know nuffin about no hyperlinks so be sure and cut and paste this link... it will be worth your time... truly amazing gowns for the gurl or girl who like to sparkle... so be a good little queen and earn your gowns... wink
so for a GLAMOUROUS evening out, whether to a FANCY dinner party, or a FABULOUS nite at the club... Sequin Queen has something to catch the sparkle in any Queens eye... take notice boys... i don't know about the rest of the queens, but Mum always taught me how to earn diamonds... i go and figure that earning sequin dresses can be done in the same way... unbutton your fly guy... and give me some cash... don't ask why, i need a dress to go to this bash... i guess i should stop now with my rhymes with no reason... don't you wish you had the hottest of the season... Love&Light C
Sunday, January 28, 2007
tabloid headline news...

Just a quick blurb about the rich and the famous... the people who have more money than God... if you hear me... adopt me... ive been a good lil gurl this year... i would be a really good assistant... show me into a brand new world... i adapt pretty well... give me a movie role and even better... I'm almost ready for my close up Mr. DeMill... back to the matter at hand... who's making headlines... whats Paris done now? Let me go browse my way thru those all important headlines... the ones you really want to know about... and for those who are tired of all of our village idiots antics with his control of power... cant someone impeach him already? Don't get me started, now where was I? oh yes... thats what i like about these blogs is you have to start out with the title... and if im lucky enuff i will pick a title that will keep me clued into the matter at hand... and no im not doin that so get yur lil mind outta the gutter... brb... going to do some celebrity reporting... My sympathy's go out to dear Angelina Jolie... as i was doing some skimming of the headlines i seen that her mother had passed away... and up in the AOL headlines... someone had a blog that Brad and Angelina's relationship is in trouble... but please papparazzi... give Angelina some time to grieve for her loss and leave her alone to deal with this... it should be dealt with as a private matter... as much as i wold love fame... yes i even to would crave a personal moment... but ive had plenty of those and im ready to trade them all in for fame... but as Madonna said... it all became a silly game... (from A Substitute for Love) Back TO THE HEADLINES!!! LINDSEY OUT OF REHAB AGAIN... Ok... so she's out of Rehab and she's working on her movie... as long as she is getting constant supervision to make sure that she is getting the help that she needs to help her face her problems and is recieving help from the Rehab establishment to face her inner demons inside... all the while acting like a TRUE DIVA having her hair stylists, make up artist and even massueaur come and take care of her in the facility... i knew i liked this girl... even way back when i first seen her on ANOTHER WORLD!!! AND BACK THRU THE NEWS I GO!!! BIG SHOUT OUT TO ROSIE O'DONNELL!!! I LOVE YOU SISTER... Just went checking on Rosie's blog and she had the most wonderful things on there... a picture with all these signs to impeach Bush for war crimes!!! Im going to post her statement here... you can also visit Rosie's Blog at:
Rosie said "Keep up the impeachment talk! I am behind you 100%.
It is okay to try to impeach someone for lying about a
private matter that is the sole business of 3 people,
but it…ISN’T??.. for someone who started a false
war, lied about the reasons, has slaughtered some many
innocent Iraqis, burned their homes, hospitals,
schools, sent thousands of Americans to their death.
Thousands more maimed. This war has plunged the U.S
into insurmountable debts. Debts so huge that now the
U.S. government has to BORROW money just to pay the
INTEREST on the debt, just to finance this “battle
against terrorists” All of this…against the will
and desires of the very people he has sworn to serve!" end of Rosie's statement... I so agree with you honey... all the way and by 100%
I want Hillary for President in 2008 but how bout Rosie in 2016? if Hillary serves a two run term... but im all up for it... this has been the news for sunday evening in the mind of a blonde... hope it was comprehendable...
Much Love and Sweet Dreams and dont let the bedbugs bite..
Diva's Galore
LOL geta Queen started on Diva's and you'll get alot... so ill go thru and find a video from each of my diva's to share with you... and for each Diva... the video content will be of a sexual nature... be sure to bring a paper towel to wipe the steam that will be cumming up from your computer...
O L I V I A in the steamy ode to eating out...
was going to just show Madonna's Erotica, but found a remixxx version that was far more fun
i chose this one because its about Masterbation... go Cyndi
i couldnt really think of an overtly sexual Cher song... but i found a remix of Believe... what could be better than that?
well thats all for the moment...
O L I V I A in the steamy ode to eating out...
was going to just show Madonna's Erotica, but found a remixxx version that was far more fun
i chose this one because its about Masterbation... go Cyndi
i couldnt really think of an overtly sexual Cher song... but i found a remix of Believe... what could be better than that?
well thats all for the moment...
Whats Kylie up to?
you know every Queen has a favourite Diva or two... or twenty... LOL i have some even that i would say would be ICON status in my mind... we know that Olivia has released the beautiful CD Grace and Gratitude, available at a Wal-Greens near you... Madonna has finished her Confessions Tour and is now releasing it on DVD and CD this Tuesday... i guess working my down the line of my favourite Diva's would be Cyndi Lauper, Cher, Dolly and Kylie... I've read that Dolly is doing some touring in 2007, but i haven't checked up to see what Kylie has been up to... let me go and check at and see what news i can report...
it seems Kylie has released KYLIE SHOWGIRL Homecoming Live on DVD and CD as well...
going to check the youtube vaults and see what Kylie i can share today...
come into my world
hope you enjoyed...
it seems Kylie has released KYLIE SHOWGIRL Homecoming Live on DVD and CD as well...
going to check the youtube vaults and see what Kylie i can share today...
come into my world
hope you enjoyed...
Enquiring minds want to know

just wanted to give a shout out to all those fabulous people who bring us tabloid news... yes you may sometimes be an invasion to privacy, but at least you are much more fun to read than picking up a regular news paper and reading all the doom and gloom of the real world and the messes that the village idiot running our country is causing... i would much rather know whos breaking up with who, which celebrity fued is the talk of tinseltown... who's not wearing panties this week and so on so on... thats why i will always prefer the National Enquirer or the Star over Newsweek or Time any day...
Fashion Findings for the fashionista in you!!!

Lovely Lucinda Holliday
i think that its very important to share little fashion beauty secret tips anytime you know any... in order to help the world be just a bit more fabulous... ever wondered where a queen got her jewelry? Well i certainly cannot speak for every Queen but i have found a fabulous place to shop online and order some beautiful jewelry, check out all beautiful jewelry designed by Tucson's own Queen of Comedy... Lucinda Holliday!!!Featuring...Custom-made Rhinestone Jewelry
Pamper yourself and get wild with this sparkling, elegant jewelry! Professionally made bracelets, rings, necklaces and earrings using chrome or 14K and faceted Australian Crystals. Check out Lucinda's site, (sorry but this dumb blonde here creating the blog obviously doesnt know how to make a hyperlink, so you will have to cut and paste...) very fun and flashy... and she even has some tips on there for the up and coming Queen out there, you will find this info up in the heading links under HELPFUL HINTS... i was ROFLMAO!!! and for those of you not in the know... that is Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off!!! hope you enjoy her site as much as i did...
Saturday, January 27, 2007
who's this wearing the double W? Donna Troy?

still going thru alot of Wonder Woman withdrawls thanks to Allen Heinberg... but found this interesting piece the other day from DC comics upcoming World War III... is this before Diana takes back over the mantle of Wonder Woman? hurry up Heiny... i wanna know... i am an enquiring mind after all
about the author...
the author of this blog would like to give out a shout to anyone who might stop by and read the ramblings of a crazy blonde gurl... some pictures are meant to stimulate interests in my blog... hope you like and you do not find offensive... just remember, this blog is for adults only... tis not for the faint at heart... also this blog will explore some of my favourite things so we can have a chance to get to know each other even better... i am originally from Missery... oops i meant Missouri... always get them so cornfused because they run together hand in hand... actually in missouris defense... it is beautiful to be able to watch the four seasons change... here in Tucson arizona there usually isnt to much change at all.... but i have to report that sometime this last week it actually snowed here... its just a sign that the world is coming to an end when hell begins to freeze over... more about me... incase you havent figured it out... im not a true girl... cuz i have a suprize down below... and it happens to be my friend its not goin anywhere... currently single and probably lookin for love in all the wrong places but what is a gurl to do... anyone have any solutions? now down to the next order of business... how could i get viewers to my blog? tell all your friends... as long as they are above 18 and know how not to be a prude... i know im not... LOL chow for now...mwah Constance
not the only blonde to have an appreciation for sexy men

Lovely Livvy and the boys... Aussie songstress Olivia Newton-John takes time out of her busy schedule to see the hot sexy boys known as the Chippendales in Vegas... I'm glad that this instance was not one of those instances where it would fall under the slogan... whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas... would also love to go to a chippendales show... are you ready for me boys?
just a glimpse

as the afternoon spawns to a close and nightfall is near, i bear to give you a glimpse inside the mind of this blonde haired beauty... look into my ear and tell me what you see... really im serious... i can never get to see in there and want to know whats in there? won't you take just a brief glimpse and tell me? Oh well... i guess you had your chance to take a glimpse and you didnt jump at it... so i guess now we will never know the mysteries inside my head... maybe a journey should begin to find out whats in there...i guess i could hold up a camera and take a picture, but dont think that will show everything as vividly as i think that it should be...
Soap Flashbacks
all kind of fun scenes to find in you tube... found some excellent ones when Susan and Kristin were on days... i found a scene where Marlena and Kristin were locked in the Secret Room and were forced to watch John make love to Susan who he thought was Kristin... so for this posting sessions soapy flashback... i present to you... Eileen Davidson... as Kristin, Susan, and Susan's family... she is part of the banks quadruplets...and Eileen played them all... have a treat and enjoy the great escapism only days can provide...
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Wonder Woman Delayed yet AGAIN!!!

Just wanted to take the time to report that Wonder Woman #4 has been delayed for at least the fifth time now if not more... it has been since june since we got issue number one... and since then... we have had two more issues... thats three issues of Wonder Woman in an eight month period... never in all my years of reading Wonder Woman has there been this much of a gap between issues because the writer of the comic has actually bit off more than he can chew and is putting his priorities in the wrong order... get your issues done so we can move on with a writer who understands deadlines and adheres to them... lets welcome best selling author Jodi Piccoult to the writing reins for Wonder Woman... i hope if Heinberg can't get his issues out on time... they still release Jodi's as scheduled to smear the poo in his face for his treatment of my favourite Super Heroine... i do give credit where credit is due... and the story is very good... but its not so good that its excuseable to allow so much of a gap between issues... i hope DC has learned their lesson and will never allow this person to touch Wonder Woman again... they relaunched her at a new number one... and at first the excitement had all built up... but then the constant delays.. im tired of it... get him out of the game... find a competent writer to finish it up and lets move on... im sure ABC wouldnt handle things so nicely if he wasnt keeping up with his scripting of Greys anatomy and kept lagging behind... and to top it off...he finds time to get on My Space... stay off there til you have all your shit done... you have really really really dissapointed some Wonder Woman fans out there...Shame on you Mr. Heinberg... you started with lots of fanfare... but with all these delays... you almost make this fan not care... learn how to adhere to deadlines next time is all i have to say!!!
so mad i could spit
a dumb blondes view of the State of the Union
standing up there, looking like an idiot... the audience claps as the president , as they have now announced it for like the second or third time now... i think we are aware of the most hated man in the world least he addressed Madame Speaker... Nancy Polosi? good thing he mentioned those senators who couldn't be here tonight... is he about to give a sermon? Wisdom to face it together? wouldn't that mean that he had to have wisdom to? 7.2 million new jobs? hmmm... and the rich get richer and the poor get poorer... state of the economy... priorities... balance the federal budget my ass... how? do you have a trillion dollars in your pocket Bushie? and not raise taxes... federal budget? does that include the war? Earmarks... never heard of them... but i guess that they are slipped into reports... do they cover up the booing with more clapping? Entitlement... social security.. save social security... yes i want that... ive paid into it... oh and now he goes onto public schools... time to eat... but can you notice... he starts talking about all his empty promises before he can talk about the real issue... the war.... right now all he is saying is everything he knows people want to hear... that's why they are clapping... and then won't follow thru... if i do see a follow thru i will gladly eat my words... but he hasn't impressed me after the war started and no weapons of mass destruction found... his speech this time makes him sound a bit more intelligent that some of the dumbass shit that he said that has made him sound like a total moron... i give credit where credit is due... he did keep America calm after 911... terrorist's terrorist terrorist's....terrorists cells... Thanks to our Troops for protecting us from.... it may all seem like ramblings thru the state of the union review... totalitarian... big word... islamist radical movements? domina middle east... regime... wow... im learning some big words here... there goes the totalitarian... let me just say... i do not want a draft to come back... i don't think its fair to send someone who believes in peace with all their heart to send them off to war and scar beautiful souls forever...20,000 more troops... 4000 more marines... I pray for everyone that is sent off to this awful war... may you come home safe and sound, may God watch over you and you're family while you are away... he is so trying to get us to buy into his bullshit to make us want to send more troops against this war on terror...92,000 in five years? volunteer reserve core? you can actually go a volunteer? if you wanted to volunteer... why not join one of the armed forces...? that's nice to ggive money to Africa for all these things... but shouldn't some of that money be spent right here in our country to handle our problems that we face here like homelessness, and health care for all... not just some... well after one hour and three minutes... the speech is over... and what did we learn? that our State of the Union is Strong... is that how he envisions that we are is Strong? he says what he wants to say... to sway people over to his way of thinking... health care was a good issue... but he stated... it will help some... help everyone... tax deductions... to sum it all up... sad echoes of promises he made time and time before... and has done nothing with concerning global warming as well as other issues lightly addressed... just being polite enough to sway over the wishy washy person in the middle who cannot make up their mind if they want to move over to his side and way of thinking... im sorry but someone forgot to slip me a brainwashing pill so i could believe all of his shit again... so i guess one year from now... in 2008 we will hear the man make his last state of the union speach because in 2009 we will have a new president that will be able to deliver it to us... hopefully it will be Hillary!!! well ive had all of his union that i can handle... i made it thru the whole thing and didnt throw up... but you know my eyes were rolling and i was hollering at the tv... well gotta run... love ya... constance
Monday, January 22, 2007
Some more Queen Left Titter
hope you like... ill try searching for some more in drag news with Queen Left Titter
the next big thing? funny or not... im searching
bought to dive into the depths of youtube and see what kind of madness i can dig up... are you scared yet? lets see what i can pull out that could tickle your funny bone, or maybe throw up? lets see what kind of sick and twisted humour i can find...
from my computer to yours because i love you
from my computer to yours because i love you
i had read this somewhere... ITMFA... if i got it correct stands for IMPEACH THE MOTHER FUCKER ALREADY!!! Lets dont get me started on how much i disrespect the leader of our country who seems day by day to make more of the world hate us... lets just say in 2008 im urging everyone that i know to vote for whoever is running for the Democrat race... if i had my say so i would Definately vote for Hilary Clinton in 2008, but as i was flipping thru YouTube... i found this video of a person more qualified to run for office than the current turkey in charge...
another female president... im all for it in 2008
Love Constance
another female president... im all for it in 2008
Love Constance
Don't forget... Madonna's Confessions tour & Cd on Sale Jan 30th
Madonna's Confessions Tour, 2006's highest grossing concert becomes available on dvd & cd... the tour is a fabulous spectacle that provokes thought all the while wanting to shake your booty all night long... be sure and checked out the surperb remix of Madonna's Erotica... it will be worth the price all on its own... and since im mentioning the tour... lets find a steamy little gem of Madonna to share here...
is OLIVIA replacing Paula Abdul on American Idol?
well the tabloid shows know how to make me tune in... with a little blurb about will Olivia Newton-John replace Paula Abdul on American Idol? i think its that olivia will be on as a guest judge... but i would be all up for Olivia joining the show on a full time basis... and now on that note... let me do a search thru youtube and find an Olivia classic to share...
Let the WORLD stop turning...
was still browsing thru youtube and found the final scene to AW, as Rachel and Carl came into the Cory living room for the last time, in the background you could hear Better Midler's In this life... it makes me bawl every time...
boo hoo... thanks Soap Net for bringing Another World back to Tv even though it is only in reruns...
boo hoo... thanks Soap Net for bringing Another World back to Tv even though it is only in reruns...
a treasure from youtube...
ok... so im flying by the seat of my thong... but im about to search the vast area known as youtube so i can bring something to show you on mytube... and thats not "MY" tube but its my choices of videos that i want to share... remember, this blog is not for the faint at heart... it does contain nudity... and expulsions of body fluid which make this blog lots more fun... XXXtra fun... so no children allowed... this is an adults only site... just wanted to reitterate that... now, of course... this video treasure will be found from youtube so dont worry... no pearl necklaces found in this post... but while im searching for this youtube video treasure... i could be earning a pearl necklace of my very own...
Stickily yours...
found a scene between Vicky & Marley on Another World after Jake was shot! Anne Heche really deserved both Emmy's she won for her portrayal of the twins... I miss you Another World
Stickily yours...
found a scene between Vicky & Marley on Another World after Jake was shot! Anne Heche really deserved both Emmy's she won for her portrayal of the twins... I miss you Another World
Sunday, January 21, 2007
january blahs... aka rainy day

just thought i would try bringing some more stuff to my blog... one gripe that i have is that since the relaunch in June... the relaunch of Wonder Woman that is, is that so far there have been three issues released... i know DC comics is making up for it when they have best selling author Jodi Piccoult take over the writing chores... when her series will go from TRI-MONTHLY!!! TO... BI-WEEKLY!!! THANKS DC,i guess the current writer has other commitments as well and really bit off more than he can chew... pisses me off... but oh well what can you do... and there he was brought aboard with much fanfare and anticipation... to be such a let down... i have been a Wonder Woman fan since i was five years old... and the time between these issues is completely and utterly uncalled for... Also to make up for the time between issues... DC is releasing Amazons Attack, which should be pretty interesting which will be a six issue series, and then we also have coming sometime on the horizon the All Star Wonder Woman by Adam Hughes!!! 2006 will go down in history as a big let down to many WW fans... but 2007 does seem to have some promise
in other news...
the state of the world...
well someone told me about some clock that foretells when the world is going to end based upon this meeting of a bunch of scientists who come together and discuss the state of the world... well the clock has it that when it turns 12 it will be the end of the world... well... i guess those five minutes could also represent five years... because we all know that the Mayan calendar ends in 2012... and we know our current leader is not helping us win popularity contests with anyone else in the world... all i can say is ITMFA... i think thats how it goes...
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