just to blog a bit... today has been a busy one... just now have time to set down... got up about ten am... then had breakfast buffet with my friend/roommate... then we went to turn in applications for a new apartment... went cruizin and then went to see what was supposed to be a scary movie... it had some suspensful moments... but nothing really jump out of your chair moments except once... the movie was called The Messengers, which could have been called the Birds 2... since they had attacking crows... save your money on this movie and rent it when it comes out on dvd... its an ok movie... but i wanted to be scared more if i was going to a scary movie... i dont go to many so i had high hopes of bein skeered... but alas... i wasnt overly frightened... and nine bucks for the ticket and 20 dollars for nachos popcorn m&m's and two sodas... can you say this slowly with me...HIGHWAY ROBBERY!!! A movie thats not that good, makes you think twice about going to see another movie... ok well enough about me for a moment... need to find some reasons to keep you hooked on my mess of my so called life...
insightfully yours
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