Sunday, March 16, 2008
Connie's Cuzin Part 7 The Finale
hope you enjoyed... this may branch out into something else... you never know
let me know what you think, I had fun with this and can't wait to bring you more... since sometimes there is nothing on TV that you wanna watch, just remember, you can always come to my youtube page and watch me, and share me with others... cuz thats what friends are for... all my love... Constance
i wish blogs went up instead of down...

well... today, i am going to try something different. Every day this week I have posted a new episode of Connie's Cuzin... its a seven part series, that ends tonite... so to mix things up a little bit... im going to post the finale here, and of course on youtube... if you haven't checked out my Youtube page yet it is It Will Excite You!!! then that way people might start coming back to my blog for more, it can be interesting at times... and this way my blog and my youtubes can run hand in hand... LOL and now... while your here, Madonna's new CD cover has been revealed so I would like to share it with you. I can't wait for the new cd, the remixes, everything, i've followed Madonna through the years, and she has never disappointed me... i love you Madonna!!!
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Constance Does John Jay and Rich pt 1.5 & 2
part 1
part 2
from the secret vaults from the Constance archives... more coming soon... see more at
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Connie Does John Jay & Rich
i think it was 2003... Cher was coming to Tucson and KRQ's John Jay and Rich were giving a way tickets to go see Cher... well being blonde and all, i thought i could just call the radio station and tell them that I was Anna Nicole Smith, a good friend of Cher's and Cher said that it was ok for me to get the tickets... well lets just say i didnt get the tickets unfortunately, but the highlight was i got to appear on the John Jay and Rich radio morning show, and I even got a chance to audition... well finally since I have figured out how to post videos onto the internet... LOL or at least try by videotaping the tv as any Smart blonde would do...
I would like to share with you my experience on the doing them in parts, so as soon as i have all the parts, i will post them on here with the last one being the first one that I post, so when you read down on the blog, you get to start from the beginning instead of near the tale end... that extra day of the year yesterday about wore me out...
i have to say that after learning how to make mini movies, i have to say the real people that put movies together have to have alot of patience... hope you have been enjoying my attempts at movie making and editing... remember... i am only a beginner... and a blonde... so lets just say, im challenged but doing the best a gurl could do under the circumstances, and hey... it does bring you some funny shit to watch doesn't it? LOL back to movie making... see you at the oscars...
March 1st 2008
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